Law support enterprises, organizations and physical persons

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The public organization Zaporizhzhya regional COMMITTEE FOR THE PROTECTION OF PEACE

Soborny avenue, 193, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, 69006 ph.+380679751197 +380681657959 69006,

      The public organization Zaporizhzhya regional COMMITTEE FOR THE PROTECTION OF PEACE (ZRCPP) is a peace-making charitable public organization which unites its member on basis of the self-government and acting on principles of humanism, legality and publicity, on the basis of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine , its Charter, the UN Charter, the Declaration of human rights and international agreement.
The principal aim of ZRCPP is to unite all progressive forces for peace defend and strengthen and concord in Ukraine and above its border.
Principle task of ZRCPP are:
- development and implementation of peace-making programs;
- opposition to war propaganda and any attempts of national and territorial separatism
- assistance to peaceful and fair settlement of internal, international, ethnic, religious, social, political, ecological conflicts for the purpose of search of common compromises ;
- participation in development of different forms of people democracy;
- charitable and sponsorship activity , help to underprivileged bodies of community and organizations;
- realization of social quizzes and studying the people’s opinion on problems of peace defend
- analyzing State foreign policy and its participation in military actions ;

     Realizing the mention above goals on implementation of charitable and sponsorship activity “Jurresurs” company made and agreement for ZRCPP (The public organization Zaporizhzhya regional COMMITTEE FOR THE PROTECTION OF PEACE) mutual activity in this field.
As per terms this agreement company “Jurresurs” provides assistance in realization of the goals ZRCPP faces with realizes financial sponsorships support of the projects as well as its legislative provision.

Our address: Tbilisskaya Street, 9? Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, 69001.

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